Technology can be our best friend or perceived as a most frustrating foe. As a result, we often tip toe around the risk of technology not working in our favor and avoid using a tool in a new or different way. But if we lean into uncertainty and get creative, the rewards will pay off – or at minimum, there is a general appreciation that you tried!
Due to extreme weather conditions, the closing keynote of the FICP 2019 Winter Symposium was unable to join us in Boston. Using the thought process outlined in the flowchart below, it was important to FICP staff and leadership that the show must go on. By working closely with the A/V team, FICP hosted a live virtual keynote that included video conference with live Q&A. If ever presented with a similar hurdle, remember to involve your stakeholders, utilize the experts, be open to failure, and most importantly, remain calm.
Kaitlin Heininger
Education Senior Coordinator