Journey Toward More Sustainable Meetings and Events

Sustainability isn't just about reducing negative impacts on the environment and society but also about actively contributing to positive outcomes and making choices that benefit both people and the planet.

Sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Brundtland Report, 1987
Sustainability is not about doing less harm. It's about doing more good.
Jochen Zeitz

For meetings and events, sustainability is more than simply minimizing environmental footprints, there is a great opportunity to consider how those meetings and events can create meaningful and lasting positive impacts. This resource page was designed to help meetings professionals and hospitality partners incorporate a sustainability mindset for more impactful meetings and events.

10 Ways Meetings Professionals Can Consider Sustainability in Event Planning

  1. Venue Selection: Choose a venue with strong sustainability credentials, such as LEED certification or a commitment to renewable energy sources. Opt for locations accessible by public transportation to reduce carbon emissions from attendee travel. 

  2. Waste Reduction: Minimize paper usage and waste by encouraging digital registration and ticketing, providing digital materials instead of printed ones, offering recycling and composting facilities throughout the venue, and avoiding single-use plastics.

    • If printing is necessary, use recycled paper and eco-friendly printing practices like double-sided printing and minimal ink usage.

    • Partner with vendors who use sustainable packaging and materials (e.g., compostable, recyclable).

  3. Water Conservation: Promote water conservation by using water-efficient fixtures, providing refillable water stations instead of single-use plastic bottles, and encouraging attendees to use water responsibly.

  4. Sustainable Catering: Choose catering options that prioritize local, seasonal, organic and plant-based foods. Minimize food waste through careful planning, donation programs and composting of food scraps. Opt for locally sourced food and beverage options to support local economies and reduce emissions associated with transportation.

  5. Transportation Alternatives: Encourage attendees to use public transportation, carpooling, or biking to the conference. Provide incentives for sustainable transportation options and offer information on local transit options. 

  6. Carbon Offsetting: Calculate the carbon footprint of the conference and invest in carbon offsetting projects to mitigate its environmental impact. Consider offering attendees the option to offset their own travel emissions.

    • Set sustainability goals for the event and track key metrics such as energy consumption, waste diversion rates, and carbon emissions to measure success and identify areas for improvement.

  7. Green Accommodations: Work with hotels and accommodations to implement eco-friendly practices such as energy and water conservation, waste reduction and sustainable amenities.

  8. Sustainable Swag and Merchandise: Offer conference merchandise and giveaways that are eco-friendly and useful, such as reusable water bottles, tote bags or notebooks made from recycled materials.

  9. Education and Engagement: Raise awareness about sustainability issues through educational sessions, workshops and keynote speakers. Engage attendees in sustainability initiatives through interactive activities, challenges and pledges to take action. Organize volunteer activities such as beach cleanups or tree planting events as part of the event program to give back to the local community and environment.

  10. Energy Efficiency: Implement energy-saving measures such as using LED lighting, setting up motion sensors to control lighting in unused areas, and utilizing natural light where possible. Encourage the venue to use renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power.

By incorporating these strategies into planning meetings and events, meetings professionals and hospitality partners can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability while also minimizing their environmental impact.

Have additional ideas or examples of how you've elevated sustainability as part of meetings and events? Share it on TheNetwork, FICP's online community. (Login required)

Earn Your Sustainable Event Professional Certificate

In 2022, the Events Industry Council launched the Sustainable Event Professional Certificate (SEPC) program, an online course for events professionals focused on enhancing sustainability and social impact in their organizations and global events. Developed by industry leaders, it offers 16 modules covering topics such as the business value of sustainability and strategies for achieving social impact goals. Participants earn 12 continuing education credits (CEs) towards CMP application or recertification, and/or 12 CAE credits.

Learn More About the Certificate Program

FICP is proud to support the EIC in its advocacy and education for sustainable meetings and events.

The Research Behind Sustainability in F&I Meetings and Events

FICP regularly employs pulse surveys to gauge how the industry is changing as well as how specific topics, such as sustainability, are being internalized by organizations and through meetings and events. Here are a few of the key takeaways from the FICP Pulse Survey: Winter 2023 Edition specific to sustainability: