Go All In With Your Support of the FICP Community

For vendors who provide support services to the insurance and financial services industry, FICP’s hospitality partner program offers access to 650+ meetings and events professionals from nearly 200 financial services and insurance companies in the United States and Canada, including some of the largest in the industry.

Partnering with FICP grants you exclusive access to this community of influential and experienced meetings professionals, in formats that allow you to build lasting, one-on-one relationships.

For in-person events, FICP offers exclusive networking opportunities with a balanced ratio of partners to meetings professionals — unique to the industry.

Unmatched Buying Power From Meetings Professionals

FICP members are not just in positions of power — 80% of members have more than 10 years of experience — they also have unmatched buying power. Here's the average for FICP members:

  • $1 billion in hospitality-related business
  • 95 meetings and incentive events annually
  • 479 attendees at largest meeting
  • $420,000-$670,000 annual room revenue
  • These professionals buy meeting space, food & beverage, technology, destination management, A/V production, airfare, cruises and speakers bureau services

Year-Round Benefits for FICP Hospitality Partners

  • Direct anytime access to FICP meeting professional members’ information via the FICP Directory on TheNetwork, FICP’s online community
  • The opportunity to secure sponsorship and attend FICP events
  • Networking opportunities with meetings professionals at events and in TheNetwork
  • The weekly newsletter, ThePlanner, provides up-to-date FICP news, event announcements, industry news and resources on the topics that are most relevant to the daily challenges and career development of members
  • Opportunities to participate in the Community Connections Program and other FICP volunteer programs

See the breakdown of partner benefits at each sponsorship level.

How to Partner

Ready to partner with FICP? We've rounded up answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Just click to reveal the answer.

Do I Qualify for Hospitality Partnership?

What Will It Cost To Partner?

How Does It Work?

How Can I Attend an FICP Event?


Apply for Partnership